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WOW week festival fun!

This week the children have been learning about different festivals that are celebrated in different religions and cultures around the world. 

This is an important part of their development in the area of learning 'Understanding the World' and lays the foundations for future national curriculum subjects like History, Geography and RE in the future. 

Giving children an opportunity to learn through immersive experiences is an important way of making the new knowledge 'stick'. Creating memorable moments that mean that long after the activity is over, the learning remains.

Our WOW weeks are all about creating 'sticking learning' moments. 

Children this week have learnt about the Hindu festival of Holi and how each of the coloured powder paints that are thrown represent something - green for nature, yellow for knowledge. To help make the learning memorable children took part in a colour run.

They have learnt about Easter and how this is an important religious celebration for Christians and why. To make the learning memorable they took part in an Easter egg hunt and learnt about the origins of the Easter bunny tradition. 

Children also learnt about Shrove Tuesday, St. Patrick's Day and Eid. 

We wish all of our families a wonderful and restful Easter break. Remember you can share any special memories you make with us via Tapestry.

See you in 2 weeks!

Mrs Johntone, Ms Williams, Miss Ludlow and team 


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