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Meet Miya (school dog)

At Stopsley we have a very special member of our team. She is loving, furry and energetic! She loves spending time with children - nearly as much as she loves chasing after a ball! Her name is Miya. She is a six-year-old Cocker Spaniel.

Miya is trained to work in schools and visits us for one day each week. There is a large volume of evidence that shows what a positive impact having a school dog can have on supporting children with their learning, as well as supporting children in therapeutic ways. In our assemblies, we discuss with the children the rules and expectations around having a school dog. We also talk about many of the benefits, which include:

  • having a calming effect on children (and adults!)
  • improved behaviour and concentration; reduced stress and improved self-esteem
  • encouraging expression, participation and confidence for all children
  • fostering a sense of responsibility
  • motivating children to think and to learn as most children have a high level of natural interest in, enthusiasm for and enjoyment of animals
  • encouraging respect and thereby improving children's relationships with each other, parents and teachers
  • teaching children to nurture and respect life
  • helping work undertaken with the most vulnerable children
  • helping children build confidence in reading
  • improving attendance
  • further promote our ‘mental health and well-being’ agenda for children

The children at Stopsley love spending time with Miya. They do not have to work with her if they do not wish to although lots of children choose to do so. Miya works in Ms Mann's office, is often on her lead and is always supervised by an adult. She helps with intervention and spends time with children who gain from her input or just those who wish to see her.


Children are only able to spend time with Miya if we have parental permission. If your child is new to the school or if circumstances have changed, please make sure you let us know if your child is able to meet and spend time with Miya. You can do this by completing the simple form below (click on link) or by phoning the school office and letting us know...

School Dog - Permissions Form