Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year, Hedgehogs!
Although I am very sad that we are not altogether in school, I am pleased that this lockdown will help stop more people getting sick with Covid 19.
This is how we can stay in touch and keep learning as we play. Every week, there will be a sound time and number time video on our school website. There will also be a story which one of your teachers will read. All of our favourite sound time rhymes will be on the Distance Learning area on the website and you get to teach them to your grown-ups at home.
My message to your grown-ups is about our topic for Spring, “Where Have you Been?” The main story for our topic is “Foggy, Foggy Forest” because our topic is about places we know and places we have not yet visited. For the next few weeks we will get to know this story really well. At school we read our topic story at least three times a week so you can watch the video of me reading it or watch it on YouTube as often as you like. We will be thinking about forests, woods, parks and the seaside and we will also have some wonderful stories about further away places.
Stay safe and enjoy the extra time with your families.
Mrs Newman