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  • 28/06/24

    Handa's Surprise

    To support our topic of 'Amazing Animals', Reception have spent time learning about the story Handa's Surprise. 
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  • 24/05/24

    Pet week

    To support our topic of 'Amazing Animals', Reception were lucky enough to have a few special visitors this week.
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  • 26/04/24

    The imaginative world of Eric Carle

    To kick start, our new topic 'Amazing Animals' Reception spent the week learning about one of our favourite authors whose stories predominantly feature animals. 
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  • 28/03/24

    Easter Puppet Show!

    Reception children were so excited today! They had a special visitor.  Mrs Allen brought her friend, the Easter Bunny puppet to school with her. The children loved him and his funny songs and when he kept trying to trick Mrs Allen! They also thought he was very clever to know so many of thei...
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  • 01/03/24

    Can we really help the polar bears?

    This week in Reception we have been looking at how our choices are affecting the environment.
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  • 19/01/24

    Reception's dinosaur workshop

    For our sensational start to our new topic 'DINOSAURS' Reception were lucky enough to get a visit from Dino Girl K.
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  • 19/12/23

    Cracking Christmas Carols!

    The Reception children put on a wonderful Christmas Carols concert last week.  Many of the adults commented on the confidence and volume of our speakers, Mrs Johnstone and Mr Fordham both felt they were outstanding! All the children sang the songs beautifully and were word perfect. They d...
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  • 16/11/23

    People who help us

    As part of our 'Terrific Transport' topic we have been looking at how people use vehicles to do their jobs. We have looked at diggers for builders, tractors for farmers and ride on mowers for gardeners. We also looked at police cars for police, ambulances for paramedics and fire engines...
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  • 20/10/23

    Our first half term in 'Big School'!

    What a wonderful, busy half term it has been! The children have settled well and it has been lovely to see them grow in confidence, make friendships and learn new things.  Our topic focus for Autumn term is 'Terrific Transport'. The children have begun to learn our focus text...
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  • 14/07/23

    A fun day out at the Farm

    To support our topic of ‘Amazing Animals’ Reception were lucky enough to take a trip to Mead Open Farm
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  • 30/06/23

    We are learning about growing!

    We are learning all about different life cycles.
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  • 26/05/23

    Bye bye butterflies!

    As you aware our topic for this term is ‘Amazing Animals’ and we were lucky enough at the beginning of this half term to be joined in both Rabbits and Squirrels by some caterpillar friends.
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