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The imaginative world of Eric Carle

To kick start, our new topic 'Amazing Animals' Reception spent the week learning about one of our favourite authors whose stories predominantly feature animals. 

Eric Carle is both an author and an artist. Not only does he write fantastic stories, but he also creates pictures through collage. This week Reception have learnt many facts about Eric Carle and also had the opportunity to create a collage in the exact process followed by Eric Carle himself. 

To create their college, the children first had to paint a piece of paper a solid colour. Next, they went over their painted paper, adding stripes and dots. Finally, the children cut their paper and created a collage by layering pieces on top of one another in an animal shape.

Not only did the children create a collage but they also had the opportunity to explore many activities linked to some of Eric Carle's most famous books. They weaved a spider web, created a caterpillar paperchain and even retold the story of 'The Bad tempered Ladybird.'