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Year 5

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  • 19/07/24

    We Are Artists

    The children in Year 5 enjoyed displaying their creations, based on the art of Yayoi Kusama, in the end of year art exhibition. They have had a very busy and productive year and can leave Year 5 feeling proud of all they have achieved. 
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  • 24/05/24

    Music Extravaganza

    Year 5 did an amazing job in their music concert. We are all so proud of how much work and effort the children put in to practising and perfecting their performance skills. Have a look on our Facebook page to see the videos of the children in action. 
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  • 03/05/24

    Mechanical Animals

    At the end of April, Year 5 spent some time making their mechanical animals using cams and followers. They learnt how to use a handsaw safely and spent some time evaluating the effectiveness of their designs. 
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  • 22/03/24

    Working Scientifically

    This half-term, the children have been finding out about forces in science. We have done lots of investigating and have even had a go at using Newton Metres to measure the impact of gravity by measuring weight. The unit will end with the children designing their own marvellous machines that use cogs...
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  • 02/02/24

    Model students

    Year 5 have been using Purple Mash to design a 3D model in Computing. They have been exploring the effect of moving points when designing and have been designing to fit certain criteria. I'm sure we have lots of budding designers of the future!
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  • 18/12/23

    WW2 day

    This half term, Year 5 have been learning all about World War 2 and the impact it had on ordinary people. We got the opportunity to dress up as evacuees on our World War 2 day and were lucky enough to see and handle some artefacts from the time. We also made biscuits from a World War 2 recipe, learn...
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  • 23/11/23

    Pudsey P.E!!

    Year 5 got active for Children in Need 2023!
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  • 29/09/23

    Amazing Art

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.
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  • 30/06/23

    Out of this world!

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.
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  • 26/05/23

    S'more fun in Year 5!

    Year 5 had an incredible time at our overnight camping experience. The children participated in many activities including archery, fire lighting, tent building, hide and seek in the dark, making s'mores and bush tucker trials. The children were a credit to the school, demonstrating our lear...
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  • 05/05/23

    May the forces be with you!

    This month in year 5 we have been channelling Sir Isaac Newton by exploring forces, for example, gravity, air resistance and friction. The children have explored which materials are the most effective when designing parachutes through practical experiments. The children really enjoyed making their o...
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  • 31/03/23

    Right This Sway...

    As the spring term comes to an end, it’s a great opportunity to look back at an action-packed few weeks. Spring term has seen year 5 working on dance and drumming. It has been great to see the children expressing themselves and we have been so proud to see them taking themselves out of their c...
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