Curriculum Subject Coverage
Children come to Stopsley Community Primary School and Nursery to learn and make progress regardless of their individual starting point. We work hard to provide opportunities for children to do their best and plan learning opportunities that are varied, enjoyable and matched to the needs of each child. We are very much focused on ensuring all children at Stopsley make the very best progress possible. In common with all maintained schools, we follow the National Curriculum.
English and Mathematics are taught every day. Within English, we teach Speaking and Listening, reading, writing and phonics. Currently, we follow the 'Letters and Sounds' programme for teaching phonics. Other curriculum areas are covered weekly or termly. A curriculum newsletter is sent home termly to give families more information about what their child is learning.
The 'progression of learning' within subjects is ensured as all Subject Leaders own a 'Progression of Skills' document that teachers use to inform both their planning and assessment, and to ensure that each child's learning journey is complete with no gaps in understanding. These documents, alongside coverage documents for each subject, can be found on the page of the individual subject (by selecting from the right-hand menu).