Friday Virtual Meet and Shout Outs
Hello to all our lovely children and families!
Thank you to everyone who has been uploading children's work to their Tapestry online learning journal or emailing into our yearRhelp address. It helps the teachers to know how children are getting on with the work we are setting and to know what we need to plan for next.
Last Friday we had 23 families join us for our virtual year group meeting. It was so lovely to see so many smiling faces and to hear all their news. We are hoping for even more people this week.
This week we will be holding a 'Shout Out' section where will do a well done call out to every child who has shared some work from home with us from the week.
There will also be 'Show and Tell' section, as last week, where children can show us something or tell us about something that they have been doing during the week.
We will finish the session with a story
We are looking forward to seeing lots of you on Friday at 1:30pm.
See you then!
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