A Message from Miss Coceal

Dear Blake Class and Year 2,
I hope you are all well and keeping safe! I am missing all of you, but I know that the more we keep safe, the sooner we can get back to our normal routine. I hope your families are well and that you are helping them as much as you can!
Although my Easter holiday was quiet, I enjoyed doing my hobbies like dancing, reading, listening to music and writing. I love writing stories!
It has been great to connect with some of you on Purple Mash, please keep going with your learning. It would be lovely to see some of your work when we get back to school. Remember to also take breaks in between and drink lots of water.
Hopefully some of you are able to enjoy the weather and to get fresh air safely. I have been doing some walking, but keeping my distance, as I enjoy the sunshine.
Take good care of yourselves,
If you’d like to send a letter back about what you have been up to then I’d love to hear from you. You can send it to the year2help@stopsley.primaryluton.co.uk email address with the subject ‘Dear Miss Coceal and your name’.
Miss Coceal