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Dinners and Milk

Our catering services are provided by ABM Catering (GROW).

Fantastic Food
Freshly prepared, innovative, healthy, nutritious, seasonal, local and ethically sourced.

Awesome People
Our team are extremely proud of the food they prepare and serve, they enjoy working with pupils and interacting with them to make lunchtimes fun.

Great Dining Experience
It’s not just the food that is important, it is the whole meal experience. Dining with friends, enjoying familiar foods, having fun and enhancing the learning experience.

Special Days
Linked to annual events, the school curriculum, food festivals and interactive learning. Our specially themed menus add excitement to the school day. Our smoothie bike is always really popular along with Fruity Friday!


  Please note that menus are subject to change at short notice.


Arbor is now the provider for the cashless system used for school meal payments.

Families have various methods of making payment securely. These are as follows:

Online – using a debit card via Arbor's internet payment service

Via mobile device – by visiting the Arbor website ( and accessing the special mobile friendly features.

KS2 School Meals:

Please remember that all meals must be paid for in advance either weekly, monthly, half termly or termly. Unfortunately we cannot allow parents to accrue any debt related to school meals. The current cost is £2.60 per day or £13.00 per week.

Paying for your child's school dinners

Stopsley Community Primary School and Nursery uses the Arbor cashless system to pay for school dinners.  When your child joins the school, you will be set up with a Arbor account where you can 'top up' your funds for school dinners, much like a mobile phone top up.  If you have any queries or questions regarding your Arbor account or the service, please contact the School Office on 01582 611035.

To access the Arbor Payment Portal, please click here.

School lunches are freshly cooked on the premises. Each day there is a choice of three hot lunches together with vegetables or salad. There is always a selection of puddings too! Special dietary needs can be catered for as long as we know. Often our packed lunch children choose to have a school meal on our Theme Days and especially on each Friday – our Fun Day!



Packed Lunches

You may prefer to provide a packed lunch for your child. We operate a healthy lunch policy and would ask you to ensure that you provide a healthy, balanced packed lunch in a suitable, named container. Our children eat their lunch in the dining room with the rest of the children.

A drink of water needs to be provided in a plastic bottle. No fizzy drinks are allowed and we have a no sweets and chocolate rule too.

Any break time snack, such as fruit, needs to be placed in a separate plastic bag as children cannot take food from the lunch trolley in the morning.

No nuts are allowed in packed lunches - even if your child is not allergic.

Free School Meals

As part of the Government scheme, all children in KS1 are entitled to Free School Meals. Many children don't take up their free school meal, which could save parents over £350 per child every year.

Pupils are now spoilt for choice with a nutritional, balanced menu, meeting government standards, where they can choose from a variety of freshly cooked main meals and desserts.  For example: roast dinners, spaghetti bolognaise, chicken tikka, vegetable moussaka and delicious desserts such as raspberry and apple crumble or Mississippi mud pie.  Also, on a daily basis they can enjoy a selection of fresh salad, fruit and yoghurt.

If your child is in KS2, they will be entitled to free school meals if you or your partner receives any of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit and an annual income less than £16,190
  • The guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Working Tax Credit 'run-on' (the payment you may receive for a further four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit) - Free meals apply for these four weeks only

If entitled, click here to apply for Financial Free School Meals.


School Milk

Children are provided with a free carton of milk if they are under the age of 5 years old. If they are 5 and over, they are given free milk only if the child is in receipt of Financial Free School Meals (see Pupil Premium). This does not include Universal Free School Meals for Reception to Year 2.

If a child is not entitled to free milk, parents may choose to pay for their child to have a carton of milk. Please speak to the Office team for further information. All payments must be made in advance.