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‘Geography underpins a lifelong “conversation” about the Earth as the home of humankind.’  Sir David Attenborough

Our Geography topics are based on the fundamentals outlined within the National Curriculum and are designed to ensure the progressive development of geographical concepts, knowledge and skills. The Geography curriculum through the school is designed to build every year on children’s previous learning with each Geography topic linking to and reinforcing understanding of our planet, its people and its environment.

The Geography curriculum is designed to help the children to build upon and recall previously learnt knowledge and skills, the content of the teaching is focused on the knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum and many topics link directly with the Global Goals.

Teachers plan lessons for their year groups using our progression of skills document, matching each piece of knowledge to a lesson where the children’s understanding of their current topic area is built upon. Alongside this, teachers consider how to include transferable skills – such as reading fluency and numeracy skills (such as interpreting and creating graphs) – within their planning.

Opportunities for Geography learning take place both inside and outside the classroom. Every year group goes on trips and takes part in fieldwork, appropriate to their topic, that spark curiosity and engagement. As well as this, teachers are encouraged to plan fun, intriguing activities for their topics that take the children away from their desks and out of their classrooms.