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At Stopsley we expect all children to learn to use a cursive script. This is taught in all classes and is age and stage (of development) appropriate. Our youngest children start by exploring motor in a gross and fine way as a precursor to being taught formal letter formation.

Handwriting is taught alongside phonics and spelling in each class. The link is deliberate - we have undertaken research to decide how best to structure this programme of study. We know there are strong links between cursive handwriting and the brain: Learning cursive handwriting is important for spelling skills, enabling children to recognise words when they read them later. (Cursive handwriting is also faster than print!) Typing doesn't have the same effect on the brain, as it doesn't require the same fine motor skills and simultaneous activity - but we do offer children who struggle with their motor and handwriting skills the opportunity to use a laptop where appropriate. 

You can help at home by practising the letters and joins that are expected here in school. We appreciate these may be different from your own preferred handwriting style, but maybe you can have fun with your children in having a go at 'Stopsley' writing!

Please browse through the attachments here to support home learning. We have a guide sheet with the capitals and lower case letters and also a set of rhymes which can support the teaching of handwriting. We have also attached a fun and interactive pencil control workbook that can be printed off and used at home!