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‘Music teaches us so much... Without music, life would be a mistake!’  Friedrich Nietzsche

We are so fortunate here at Stopsley as we have a strong relationship with the award-winning Luton Music Service (LMS) so that every pupil benefits from the expert music teaching they deliver. Through their time here, each child learns how to sing in different ways, read musical notation and play a range of instruments. All classes enjoy wonderful opportunities to perform and to be an audience for a professional musical performance. We believe the musical experiences offered here at Stopsley encapsulate the principles distilled in our school’s motto: 'Inspiration-Aspiration-Excellence'.

Through musical activities, our children develop their evaluation skills and they grow in their confidence and self-esteem. They learn a deeper appreciation of how music has developed over time and how it has developed in different places around the world, as well as how music impacts and shapes culture.

Music provides a way to develop further community links. These are well established here at Stopsley, such as our annual Christmas concert which is staged at the local Baptist church. This concert proves to be a fantastic, happy, memory-making occasion for our children and their families.

Additionally, there are a range of brilliant extracurricular musical activities available, such as: Key Stage 2 choir (which offers members the chance to perform with other pupils at both town-wide and at National events), participation in the ‘Rocksteady’ band, piano lessons, individual singing lessons and much, much more.

You can view or download a copy of our 'Progression of Skills' document and our 'long-term plan' for music below. You can also view or download a copy of our 'Music Development Plan' which is written to show our commitment to music over future years...