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Performance Data and Statutory Information

To view the latest available primary school performance tables, please click the link below:


Schools Performance Data

In 2024, Stopsley Community Primary School had 69% of pupils achieving Age Related Expectations (ARE) or above in reading, writing and maths at the end of Key Stage 2. In reading, 76% of pupils achieved ARE or above. In writing, 76% of pupils achieved ARE or above. In grammar, punctuation and spelling (EGPS), 76% of pupils achieved ARE or above and in maths, 79% of pupils achieved ARE or above. In relation to reading, 29% of pupils achieved a high standard. In relation to writing, 11% of pupils were working at greater depth within the expected standard. In relation to EGPS, 42% of pupils achieved a high standard and in relation to maths, 26% of pupils achieved a high standard. The average scaled score per pupil was 104 in reading, 106 in EGPS and 105 in maths.

Phonics Screening Check

In June 2024, the percentage of year 1 pupils passing the national Phonics Screening Check was 73%.

Our School Aims 2022-2025

Our School Development Plan is written in light of feedback from children, parents, staff, Governors, School Improvement Advisors from the Local Authority and our previous Ofsted inspection. The plan is regularly reviewed and updated. To view the school aims (which summarises our plan), please click below: