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Joining Our School

We are delighted that you have visited this page about joining our school. Welcome to Stopsley Community Primary School and Nursery - we hope that you like what you see!



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We would really like to meet with you in person and show you around our wonderful school. However, if you are unable to come for a visit,  we have created two videos which tell you lots about what #teamStopsley is all about. These videos give you a flavour of what we do but please also search this website (or call to visit us in person) as there are so many things that we would love you to know about. The video above is aimed for new Reception parents but it still gives everyone a real feel for what the whole school is about.

We are a very forward-thinking and ambitious school which puts the children first in everything. We are proud that we are over-subscribed for several year groups and we are pleased that the families who join us speak so highly about us. Every child only gets one go at life so we make sure it's the very best. You will see in our videos just how amazing our school environment is - it's full of character and colour - and you will see how passionate our staff are. Stopsley Primary is definitely a place where children are inspired.

We are a community school so the opportunities we have are endless. From huge summer fetes to lots of links with local businesses; to a real team feel where everyone pulls together to make your child's education matter. Reception is the start of a seven year journey for children and we guarantee that this will be the best journey your child can ever go on.

If you would like to chat to myself, a member of our leadership team, our friendly office staff or our Early Years Leader, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We would love to speak with you and will always be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have about choosing Stopsley. We can guide you through the process or tell you more about some of the things you will see and hear in our 'welcome video' above. To get in touch with us, just visit our 'Contact us' page. You can also download and view our prospectus by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.

We hope that you will give your child the very best by joining us, whether that be now or next September. As I say in my welcome video and as the children say in our virtual tour below, 'We don't let our families down. The fun, the learning and the happiness of school starts here... #teamStopsley is a great place where inspiration and aspiration leads to excellence.'

We wish you the very best in these unprecedented times.

Mr Fordham (Headteacher)

Take a virtual tour of our school...


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A message from the Governing Board...

Hello! I have the honour of being the Chair of Governors for Stopsley Community Primary School and Nursery. I have been on the Governing Board as a Parent Governor for four and half years and take on a link role for the quality of education and English across the school. We thrive to make a difference for all children at Stopsley, regardless of ability or need, and we work by a mantra that 'no child is invisible'.

The HEART of the school is the children and as a community, we all strive to provide the best education possible and to keep our children safe. We have a wonderful leadership team, a talented staff team and a very passionate Governing Board who all work extremely hard in making sure that all children who go to our school are successful and happy. As a parent myself, I know that choosing the right school for your young child can be an anxious time. I assure you that choosing Stopsley will be the best decision you make. From the minute you and your child join our family, you will see how supportive, passionate, talented and determined everyone is.

Children who come to Stopsley succeed. This makes myself, and all of the Governing Board, extremely proud whenever we set foot in the school.

Welcome and I wish you all the very best.





Danny Coppin (Chair of Governors)

We welcome families from catchment and out of catchment and will work with you to ensure that you can join us - it doesn't matter if we are your closest school or not. If you are looking for in-year admissions or to join our wonderful Nursery setting, please contact our Office Manager,     Mrs Collins, on the school phone number or at:

Below is some more key information that might help you make your decision and you can download or view a copy of our school prospectus at the bottom of this page...

Our family work...

We have an amazing family team at Stopsley where our teachers, pastoral assistants and our Safeguarding Officer all support families in whatever is needed. A full timetable of support groups and social activities is in place all year round so that school is a partnership between staff and home. We also hold many events where parents can work with their children and enjoy those 'memorable moments' taking part in your child's school life. Our family team support at every event and we also have a Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) who organise fund-raising activities and further social events for everyone to take part in. Do visit our Family page and our PTA page to see a taster of what we do.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)...

All children are supported at Stopsley and this includes those that have SEND. We believe that every child is unique so we provide the right support and attention for each child on a personal level. We offer 1:1 support, small group intervention, resources and external advice and support whenever it is needed. We work closely with families and help each child as best we can. This includes those children who are gifted, talented and most able too. We have two very experienced and knowledgable SENDCOs who plan provision, teach children and who both support both families and staff alike. You can find out more about our SEND work by clicking here.

The curriculum we cover...

We teach a highly exciting curriculum at Stopsley - one that prepares the children for the ever-changing world ahead. Our teaching follows what the children are interested in and what they want to learn about. Subjects are taught as a topic and we have high expectations in both English and maths. We are passionate about teaching sport, art, drama and music. We also drive as a team to work towards seventeen Global Goals so our children become #changemakers and recognise the difference they can make in the world. Visit our curriculum page to see what our topics look like and to find out more about our English and maths curriculum and the Global Goals.

Our communication with you...

Our communication with parents is second to none. We talk to you every day on the playground whilst you are dropping and collecting your child but we also send home weekly newsletters and give parents plenty of information and notice about everything that's coming up. We have great Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts and we use text messages and emails to get in touch with families on a daily basis. We have an 'open door' policy and are always available. Your child's work can be seen and discussed online using our Internet programme called 'Tapestry'.

Our wrap around care...

Children can be looked after from 8am until 5:30pm in our FLAG Club (for a small cost much cheaper than a Childminder). FLAG Club is about Fun, Laughter And Games. School staff care for the children and provide breakfast in the morning session and snacks in the afternoon sessions - each included in the price. Booking is easy and can be made in advance, choosing regular slots or opting for ad-hoc times (whatever suits each family). Do visit our FLAG Club page for further information.

Reception Intake - September

Please visit the Luton Borough Council 'Admissions' page for information about 'how to apply for a starting school place'. Our Admissions Officer can help you here if you need it.

Our class sizes...

Our class sizes are generally smaller than most because we believe in 'no child being invisible'. We keep our classes smaller so that staff can really build that personal relationship with each child. In Reception, our class names are based on a theme in each year group. This helps to inspire the children. We have a teacher and a Teaching Assistant in each class, as well as our own team of cover staff so the children always know the adults working with them. #Stopsleyfamily

In Reception, the children start the day and finish each day in their class groups (Squirrels and Rabbits). We teach Phonics, English and maths in classes but a majority of the day is Child Initiated Learning (CIL). In CIL, we use 'free flow' so that classes can join together for an even better experience.